Investing Today in a Hartselle for Tomorrow
To Support and Foster Broad Community and Charitable Programs that Advance...
PEOPLE: Building leadership and initiating community-led solutions
- Local education support and resources
- Student scholarships
- Social/emotional support programs
- Small Business & Entrepreneurial education and support
- Workforce development resources and services
- Leadership growth and talent engagement
PLACE: Preservation of the past and modernization for the future
- Supporting preservation efforts of valuable historic buildings and landmarks
- Incentivizing community beautification initiatives
- Engaging new businesses to locate to the area
- Assisting existing and emerging businesses so that they remain in the area
- Improving community infrastructure
- Stimulating the growth of arts and culture
THE OLD POST OFFICE: Our First Actionable Item
- Establish future home of the Hartselle Area Chamber of Commerce
- Repurpose a well-loved community icon for the next generation
- Create a community educational center and event space
- Grow capacity for an improved tourism and visitor center
- Provide assistance to existing and emerging businesses so that may remain in Hartselle